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Healthcare Power of Attorney (POA)

Healthcare Power of Attorney (POA)

Regular price $19.99 USD
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Having a HealthCare Power of Attorney (POA) allows you to assign an agent, the authority to make health related decisions in your behalf. A Healthcare Power of Attorney (POA) allows you to appoint anyone you trust to make healthcare related decisions in the event of an emergency and you are not able to make the decisions yourself. 

As you work on your estate planning, please consider adding a Healthcare Power of Attorney so you can be prepared for any potential medical or healthcare decisions you may need to make in the future. Having a healthcare power of attorney, also known as a durable power of attorney for healthcare, is essential so your loved ones can make decisions for you if they need to.

TOTAL Pages 3

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This  HealthCare Power of Attorney (POA) may need to be edited to ensure it meets your requirements.

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